2024 Spring Registration


Welcome to all new and returning players for our 2024 spring softball season. Our house program runs from mid-April to late June (official dates TBD). When you click on the link below to register, you will be asked to sign into TeamSnap or create an account if you are new to TeamSnap.

Teammate Requests - Before registering, discuss with your player(s) if they have any teammate requests. VMSA forms house teams based on friend requests among other factors such as the school they attend and any previous teams they were on.
Refer-a-Friend Discount ($50) – This year the VMSA is offering a $50 refundable discount to any returning player who refers a NEW player, born between 2017 (second year U7) and 2006 (U20). Players can refer up to two friends to get a total discount of $100. Refer-a-friend discounts will be processed and refunded closer to the beginning of the season.

Sibling Discount ($100 off Registration) - We are pleased to offer $100 off the registration fee if additional siblings are registered. (Limit of one per family.) Please register all players at the same time. Sibling discounts will be processed and refunded closer to the beginning of the season.

Refund Policy - Registration fees are subject to a $20 (non-refundable) administration fee. No refunds will be considered after April 15th without a medical letter.

Volunteers – VMSA is a volunteer-run community club. We love our volunteers and hope parents will continue to volunteer as a coach or team manager this season. More details about volunteer requirements are included on the registration form.
If you have a bit more time and energy to give back to the club, please contact info@vmsa.ca if you would like to join the executive.  Currently, we are looking for a fields coordinator, age group coordinators, concession co-manager, field and umpire scheduler, and other roles.

Registration Fees for the 2024 Season are as follows:
Division Birth Years Fees Game/Session
U7 (LTP) 2017-2018 $160 Wed eve, Sat morn/midday
U9 (LTP) 2015-2016 $185 Wed eve, Sat morn/midday
U11C (House) 2013-2014 $350 Tues eve, Sat midday
U13C (House) 2011-2012 $350 Mon eve, Sat midday
U15C (House) 2009-2010 $350 Tues eve, Thurs eve
U17C (House) 2007-2008 $350 Mon eve, Wed eve
U20C (House) 2004-2006 $350 Tues eve, Thurs eve
U13B (Rep) 2011-2012 $350 Tues eve, Thurs eve
U15B (Rep) 2009-2010 $350 Mon eve, Wed eve
U17B (Rep) 2007-2008 $350 Tues eve, Thurs eve
U19B (Rep) 2005-2006 $350 Mon eve, Wed eve

Click to register HERE!

Registration Notes:
  • For U7 & U9 Learn to Play (LTP) participants, at least one parent or designated adult is expected to attend EVERY session with their child. 
  • House is our community or recreational softball program with a focus on playing with friends, fun, and softball skills development. Rep is our competitive program with tryouts in September of each year. Please do not register for rep unless you were offered a spot on the team in September 2023.
  • The age group divisions are mandated by Softball Canada. Ages are by calendar year.
  • Financial assistance – The VMSA would like every child to be able to participate in sports. Please check organizations such as Kidsport and Athletics4Kids for eligibility if the cost of participation is a financial burden.
If you have questions regarding registration, contact registrar@vmsa.ca.