Parent Information

Information on weekly schedule by age group and equipment and uniforms

How House "C" Teams are formed

Each spring we collect together registration forms from all who have expressed an interest in playing on one of our teams. Teams are formed by the Directors at each age category (e.g. Squirt Director forms Squirt "C" teams) according to the following guidelines:
  1. Teams can have up to a maximum of 15 players. Teams of 12 to 13 are ideal.  Teams that arrive with seven or fewer default automatically.
  2. Coordinator should place players to balance team strength according to age groupings when possible.
  3. Players can indicate on their registration form a desire to play with one friend, naming up to two alternate friends they wish to play with.
  4. New teams will be formed by placing players from a geographical area on the same team,where possible.
  5. Coaches should not attempt to solicit players for a team.
  6. Players wanting to move from a team will be allowed (before the season starts) to request a transfer, but not to any specific other team. The director will attempt to place the player on a new team, according to the overriding principle of balancing team strength.
  7. In general, no team may have fewer than 9 members.  Smaller teams will generally be merged with other teams.

Etiquette for parents/observers

Parents and spectators need to remember that we are setting an example for children. It is particularly important to be respectful of the umpire.  Frequently these umpires are young (especially at the more junior levels of Softball) and can be intimidated by the 'enthusiasm' of the parents.  

  1. Team management is responsible for the behaviour of parents and spectators.
  2. No person from the stands shall make derogatory comments about any player on either team, team officials or spectators.
  3. If a spectator is unmanageable, the umpire may stop the game until the situation is under control.
  4. The umpire may order any person (team official, spectator, or player) out of the park. They also have the authority to default the game.
  5. Any time a person has been required to leave, the umpire will report the incident to the league (which may lead to further action).
  6. Cheer your child but try to avoid coaching your child during a game; it is the coach's job and confuses the players to be receiving (sometimes different) instructions from many people.
  7. Abuse of youth umpires is grounds for ejection in players and coaches in VMSA.  Hold yourself to the same standards. 

Obligations of Players

  1. You are on a team, so you owe it to your teammates to attend practices and games consistently. Notify coach if unable to attend game or practice.
  2. Exhibit reasonable and acceptable behavior at all times.
  3. Take proper care of the team's equipment (uniforms, bats, catching equipment etc.).
  4. Treat players, coaches, managers, and officials with respect.

Parent's Obligations

  1. Ensure that players have a ride to games and practices on time ("5 minutes early is on time, on time is late")
  2. Ensure that players have the necessary equipment not provided by the Association.
  3. Co-operate fully with the managers and coaches and managers.
  4. Take proper care of VMSA property

Volunteer to assist your coach, manager, or association.  Contact your coach or manager to volunteer for team related jobs.  Volunteers ensure the smooth running of your team and Association.

Standings & Playoffs for House "C" Division

We do not keep team standings for our House teams. Our playoffs are determined by random draw.

Umpiring in House

VMSA tries to provide at least plate umpires in house games from Squirts up.  If registered umpires are not available for whatever reason, the VMSA appreciates the efforts of volunteers to umpire games.  It has come to our attention that we should clarify clarify the role of volunteer umpires as a matter of recognizing the contribution, and protecting those umpires.

Firstly, we want to let everyone know that shin, chest and face pads are available for a plate umpire in every VMSA field box, and we strongly recommend that they be worn by volunteer plate umpires given the hazard from bats and balls.  Registered umpires at the plate are required to wear all of these and protective shoes.  If this equipment is missing from the box or unservicable, please advise the Box Manager.  If you volunteer umpire regularly, we recommend you ask us for a copy of the rules of fastpitch softball and take the certification course next spring.

Our standard policy is that only certified and registered umpires will be paid.  We recognize that non-certified/non-registered adult volunteer umpires who either assist or act as plate umpire when no certified umpire is available can make the game better.  In this respect, adults umpiring will qualify for league volunteer hours.  To qualify, please contact the Umpire in Chief for details.  Because they cannot provide informed consent and umpiring does have risks, non-certified youth should not umpire games.

While not everyone is suited to umpiring, youth umpires can make good money.  VMSA encourages interested players or parents/grandparents to certify.  Youth umpires who attend the spring umpire clinic may have their clinic fee and registration cost refunded on top of their game fees. If you or your child is interested in next year's clinic, please see the umpire page.